Among the existential questions one can ask about marriage, that of the alliance is one of the most recurring. Why do we absolutely have to wear it to the left ring finger? A question that finds its answer in multiple theories, accounts and legends that have been attempted to decipher.

  • Theory n ° 1: a tradition coming from the Greek civilization

The first explanation draws its sources from Greek medicine of the third century BC, when the specialists of the time thought that a vein directly connected the annular, at the time soberly called the third finger, to the heart. Nicknamed "the vein of love", it predestined the alliance, symbol of union, to be placed on the ring finger. A custom that the Romans resumed their accounts without really asking too many questions.

  • Theory # 2: a tradition from the Catholic religion

The second explanation comes from a religious custom of the seventeenth century. In fact, when the bridegroom pronounces his wedding vows, he would present the ring to his wife at the index finger before reciting a traditional one: " In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" that it logically ends at the annular.

  • Theory 3: a tradition shaped by popular culture

In the pagan belief, each of the fingers of the hand represents an important member of his family. The thumb represents our parents (the first element of our life) , the index symbolizes our brothers and sisters (the second) , the middle finger, the central element, embodies us personally and the little finger, the smallest and the last , would designate our children. So remains the annular to "materialize" our spouse and therefore welcome our alliance.

Finally, etymologically speaking, the annular would refer to the term ring, which gives an additional explanation to this custom, which nonetheless remains very Western.