The wind is blowing, the leaves are falling and you are gaining weight. So every year: past the excitement and stress of the back, you grow (a little at least). Why ? If no official scientific data transcribes this tendency, the nutritionists emphasize it regularly. The fall season is conducive to weight gain.

For Florence Foucaut, nutritionist and spokeswoman of the French association of nutritional dieticians (AFDN), seasonal overweight would not be natural. In the closet the conventional wisdom that man would need to store fat for the winter or would go into a phase of semi-hibernation: "you really need very low temperatures, around -10 ° C, for 'there is an adaptation of the body ,' she explains.

A simple lack of physical activity?

In fact, nothing physiological in this fall weight gain. According to the nutritionist, one of the leaders would be our lack of desire to do sports. While the WHO recommends to do at least 10,000 steps per day, 75% of the French would not succeed! Not to mention that 29% of French people would not practice any regular physical activity.

Another explanation advanced by the specialists? The fact that the dishes eaten at this time become significantly richer and fatter.

Still, most people will be interested in their weight gain after the holiday season. It's true after all: what's the point of paying attention before the foie gras marathon scheduled for the end of December?