Created in the 1930s by a man named Antoine, the dissociated regime has its hour of glory in the 50s.

The dissociated diet has three distinct methods: the Antoine method - named after its inventor -, the Shelton method and the Montignac method .

The principle of this diet is simple: it consists of "dissociating" or separating food . Indeed, the method assumes that each food - or each food family - consumed separately does not make you fat. On the other hand, always according to this method, one would take weight as soon as one associates food in cooking.

The dissociated regime: for whom?

It is for everyone who wants to lose extra pounds quickly. The method is generally preferred to lighten, as the detox after the holiday season.

Dissociated diet: where to start?

Every day of the week you eat a different food, at will!

Example: one day, you will eat only fish, then the next day only fruits. The next day vegetables will be served at each meal, and so on ...

The different phases of the dissociated diet

Every day is a new phase. With regard to the duration of the plan, it is generally spread over a week. It is advisable to repeat again every three weeks until the ideal weight.

The advantages of the dissociated scheme

Low in nutritional risk, this diet is effective in the short term. But beware of the yoyo effect: if you do not take a balanced diet when you return to a "normal" diet, it is very easy to take back lost pounds quickly, or even to add new ones on the balance !

The disadvantages of the dissociated diet

This type of diet can tire the body quickly. Another significant downside: in the long run, it is possible to lose more muscle than fat.

What weight loss do you expect?

It is visible quickly and varies according to the organisms. On average, it is around 2 to 3 kg.