This year, we introduce detox in our daily lives and we get to know the essential foods for our body and our well-being.

In addition to being incredibly healthy, these super-detox foods also offer a wide range of health benefits, from energy boost to better skin and a flatter stomach.

For a body at its best, here are the detox foods that will make you feel much better, to eat at all sauces.

  • Goji berries

Goji berries are one of the super-foods to sprinkle over your morning oatmeal and remain at the top of the list of new fruits that work wonders for your body. Fresh, or dry, these sweet berries are full of vitamins, iron and beta-carotene. Like many other great foods, Goji berries are full of antioxidants, nutrients that slow down the damage to the body by free radicals.

  • Miso

If you are only familiar with miso soup, know that it is also found in other forms such as marinades for meat or vegetables. Miso adds a salty flavor to the ingredients. Hailed as a miracle product, this fermented soy paste is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It would even fight lung cancer and radioactivity diseases.

  • Beet

Beet, this winter vegetable that makes sunny vegetarian meals! Beets overflow with antioxidants, which help lower cholesterol and, little bonus, the calories are ridiculous.

  • The purple tomatoes (or black)

Purple tomatoes, whose crimson hue is reminiscent of beets (yes, it is "purple"), also contain the anthocyanin pigment, which is responsible for the unusual colors of vegetables. This is also why this dream detox food is so rich in antioxidants, which slow down the development of cancer cells.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seeds can be added to many small dishes, the benefits will still be present. Sprinkle a handful on your morning cereal or toast to add flavor to your breakfast. Flaxseed will work wonders on your body, helping with digestion or bringing you the necessary fats, including omega 3s, famous for their anti-inflammatory properties and to help reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Herbal teas

Switch to herbal tea, to avoid overdoses of cappuccinos all right out of the Starbucks corner - this is one of the best ways to start a detox ! Many varieties of teas such as green teas or rooibos teas contain a high level of antioxidants that help your body limit the damage of free radicals, which cause cancer or heart disease. For more energy, try adding a little grated root in your mug: your system will not only be cleaned, but this addition will act as an anti-inflammatory and improve circulation.

  • Spinach

This is the ultimate detox food ! Just look at what they did to Popeye. No, seriously, spinach is a very easy source of detox to incorporate into your daily recipes. Add it to your salads or soups and count it among your five fruits and vegetables a day. Boasting an army of vitamins and minerals, regularly eaten spinach can help fight age-related eye damage.

  • garlic

Among the super-detox foods , garlic is a looser, but it has many virtues for health. Garlic has anti-viral, antiseptic and antibiotic properties and also contains sulfuric components, which makes it a super detox food. According to many studies, two cloves of garlic a day keeps the doctor away, so do not hesitate to nibble!

  • The artichoke

Artichokes are full of nutrients that improve the functioning of the body - they are rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, they help with digestion and are well known for their ability to clean the body for a restart. It's the ally of tomorrow's party!

  • Cruciferous vegetables

They are green, leafy, here are cruciferous vegetables. There are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. What's good about this food group is the presence of a key ingredient: sulforaphane, which works wonders in removing toxins from the body and disarming the chemicals that cause cancer, thanks to a phytochemical property. These vegetables can be eaten raw as soup or mixed and added to a juice.