1- Identify his type of migraine

Ophthalmic migraine, catamenial migraine , migraine with aura , tension headaches ... So many terms for headaches. But, what is the difference? According to WHO, tension headache is the second most common disease in the world. Ordinary and often not very disturbing, the pain spreads on both sides of the head and is not accompanied by other signs such as nausea, the light gene or noises, unlike migraine. These headaches are passed with an analgesic paracetamol type .

Headaches of migraine are common and last from 4 to 72 hours (the crisis can be shortened if migraine is treated). The pain is localized on one side and is pulsatile (it "taps"). Migraine can be occasional, episodic (1 to 6 seizures a month), frequent (6 to 14 seizures a month) or chronic (more than 15 days a month). It can vary: one speaks of catamenial migraine when the crisis occurs around the period of the rules for example. Ophthalmic migraines (also known as migraines with aura ) are characterized by visual symptoms : bright spots, spots of light, and reach nearly 20% of migraine sufferers. In case of true migraine, unlike headaches, the recommended analgesic is then ibuprofen which has an AMS (marketing authorization) for the indication migraine. But if migraines are chronic, it is better to consult a specialist.

2 - Halt migraine triggers

Alcohol, diet, stress, fasting, hormonal fluctuations, posture, heat, cold, too much or not enough sleep ... There are so many triggers of migraine , which can be combined, that it is difficult to really know what makes us uncomfortable . For this, Dr. Elizabeth Leroux advocates to keep an agenda of migraine attacks . By noting the days and the number of times the seizure occurs in the month, certain leads may open up to understand what triggers the headache and determine the effective treatment of migraine .

3 - Find the right treatment of migraine

The treatments against migraine are numerous and very different according to migraine profiles. Dr. Leroux invites us first to review his lifestyle . Sleep better, eat well (remove a food if it is a crisis trigger), and do a little exercise every day can actually help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. For frequent and chronic migraine sufferers, doctors recommend triptan medications , which are only available on prescription. These drugs are to be taken at the beginning of the crisis for more efficiency.

And if, many treatments have emerged in recent years, such as botox injections or preventive treatments, it is all about what suits us best. Because it is not uncommon, in case of migraine, to fumble for a moment before finding the most effective treatment.

To learn more: The ANTI Migraine Method, by Dr. Elizabeth Leroux a book to know everything about migraine and treatments that work. Ed. Flammarion, € 19.90.