The scan is transformed and freed from the rules. Initiated by Dessange, the "reverse" sweep makes its small revolution in hairstyle trends. Charlotte Catherin, Director of Dessange Training Center explains the contours of this new scan. Conceived around art, the new collection of salons Dessange presents the hairstyle as a clever mix between sculpture and painting. It is also around this notion that the "reverse" scan has been developed.

The "reverse" scan, what is it?

This new scanning technique focuses on the placement effects of the color, which is just deposited by keys, as in painting. Unlike the classic sweep that places the lightened locks on the top of the hair, the reverse sweep comes to illuminate rather the under hair. The idea? "Depending on the hairstyle, the sweep will focus on light or shade," says Charlotte Catherin. If you tie the hair in a loose bun for example, the lighter locks will go on top while the free hair will play more on the shadow. "

reverse sweep dessange © DR

A custom-made scan

For Charlotte Catherin, the reverse scan is close to a work of art in its composition. "It can be declined in 1001 versions because it is the material of the hair and their cut which will inspire the placement of the light". We choose two shades linked to each other, to create light effects. On a blonde, we play with blond glaciers, on a brunette, with caramel tones. The colorist determines the placement of the light according to the person, like a painter with his model: "On degraded hair, we will choose to illuminate the short and long so we can just illuminate the contours and tips on a straight cut on long hair. On a solid material, we will have a glazing effect with the color, for a diffuse light on the whole of the hair.

How does "reverse" scanning apply?

Like a painter, the colorist applies the material with a brush and in the open air (your hair is not wrapped in aluminum foil). As on a canvas, we deposit the color on the surface for more transparency, and on locks of fairly wide hair. These thick sails allow a more natural movement. The light and surface application gives a light result, which illuminates the specific areas determined during the "consultation" and avoid colors too uniform, out of fashion.

How is it maintained?

It talks like a classical sweep but ages better, because, custom-made, there is no root effect with an inverted sweep. You can choose to rework it, with gloss, or to let it age and push back naturally. At Dessange, the colorist composes a shampoo made to measure, adapted to the coloring, that one applies at home to maintain its sweeping. The "reverse" sweep has no unwanted effect and is often restrictive, it is ideal to give a boost to its color and illuminate, with the help of a colorist and a personalized diagnosis, the areas headlights of his face. A sweep like a painting, in short.