Find your style when you're round. How to put its shapes in value? Cristina Cordula, the famous M6 relooker and ex-model, writes in "The Practical Guide to the Special Makeover Round" (Ed. Larousse) tips to make her roundness a real asset. Discover 10 tips to remember!

1) Identify the materials that put your shapes in shape when you are pulpy

The rule of thumb when one is round is to choose fluid fabrics for dresses and tops so as not to emphasize the belly. Keep fitting materials for your pants and jeans. Choose pants made of elasthan: more comfortable and more flattering, they shape your shapes. The jersey is the material to be preferred for your dresses and tops that will fall perfectly by masking the handles of love.

2) Do not be afraid to wear jeans

Avoid for example wearing slim jeans if you have round knees as they accentuate this feature. Also note that low-rise jeans are not at all suitable for belly bounces. Conversely, the jeans "bootcut" ie slightly flared down are perfect to conceal the calves a little strong. Choose it straight and rough because the dark-colored pants are ideal for thickening the leg.

3) Prefer the color for your tops and play the card of sobriety for your stockings.

The color and the white must go where one wants to attract the glance. Side skirts and pants, dark colors remain a sure bet. To break the "total black look" certainly elegant but dark, we dare the original shoes like the red shoes. Be careful not to choose colors too "flashy" that increase the volume. The keys of colors can also be brought by the accessories (printed python or leopard, colors pop ...), this is what will give you a touch of cheerfulness and originality.

4) We do not choose any shoes

When we are round, we can wear boots with pants, but it is not flattering to wear them with skirts. In this case, you prefer boots that thin your legs. Do not forget that shoes with heels (preferably thick for the comfortable side and with rounded ends) are ideal to squirt the silhouette and reveal its femininity! Think of the women who are not used to wearing high heels, so that the ballerinas and other sneakers that fill the silhouette and the bridles around the ankle thicken the leg are avoided.

5) Say no to print

Is this the trend of the moment? Yes, but it is better to avoid printed matter. When it is round, the tone on tone that is clear or dark is preferable because the prints thicken and tamp up any silhouette. Good to know: the opaque tights thin the legs.

6) Remove all unnecessary volumes and materials

Froufrous, superimposed clothes or pleated heavier silhouette. The tight-fitting sleeves are also to be banished because they accentuate the roundness of the arms, while the long sleeves, three-quarters or turned up hide the arms a little strong.

7) Crazy for colorful accessories and maxi version

The oversize bags are perfect for rounds (small bags tend to unbalance the pace), but they must be kept by hand. Worn over their shoulders, they thicken the silhouette. Large earrings highlight the wearing of head and will allow to draw attention to the face. A long necklace will bring you a harmonious and feminine touch if you have a small neck.

If you have the size marked, do not hesitate to highlight it with a belt.

8) Adopt the unmissable garment: the jacket

The jacket it is necessary is the arched! An indispensable piece in your wardrobe as it feminizes the silhouette by highlighting the waist. Wear it open so you do not over-mark your shapes. When the jacket is straight and long, it has the advantage of masking the panties. A structured and shouldered jacket balances the middle.

9) Choose your dresses and skirts according to their shapes!

When you have generous hips, the ideal is the dress or the skirt of flared shape or trapeze. These shapes are perfect for reducing the width of the hips. The monochrome dress with straight cut and fluid material lengthens and thinens the silhouette.

10) Adjust your neckline to the volume of your chest!

The small breasts can afford to wear a neckline in "V" or maxi version. If you have a strong chest, the round or square collars will suit you perfectly. To remember: proscribe everything that is molding up when you have a generous breast.

"Practical guide to makeover, special round" by Cristina Cordula. Editions Larousse, March 2012, 192 pages.