California yellow poppy or escholtzia

In herbal medicine, California yellow poppy , also called escholtzia (or eschscholzia, there are several variants of spelling), has the virtue of promoting sleep and sleep without wake up . It can also be taken during the day to calm anxieties . As its name suggests, this plant is native to North America, mainly California. We also find some at home, especially in the Camargue .

How to consume this plant? In infusion at 5 pm and at bedtime (1 tablespoon per cup of California yellow poppy to infuse for 10 minutes), in capsules, in fluid extracts or in mother tincture, in cure of 3 to 4 weeks.

St. John's wort

St. John's Wort promotes sleep by relaxing the nerves. This plant is particularly effective in herbal medicine when suffering from insomnia due to stress and anxiety. Consumed after meals, it facilitates difficult digestion that can also be the cause of sleep disorders.

How to consume this plant? 50g of St. John's Wort flowers are macerated in 1 liter of red or white wine for 3 weeks. To sleep better, we take a small drink in the evening, 1 hour before bedtime.


Hops calm nervousness and fight atonia, whatever its cause: fatigue , mild depression, anemia ... It also helps to fight against the difficulties of falling asleep and gives a hell of a boost to sleep better . Attention, this plant can only be consumed by the adult and in the absence of hormone-dependent cancer.

How to consume this plant? In infusion, take 1 hour before bedtime (crumble 3 hop cones and let steep for 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water), maceration, capsules, fluid extracts or tincture.


With its anxiolytic properties, valerian can restore a natural sleep . Thanks to its narcotic properties, in herbal medicine , it can also prove to be an ally in case of medical withdrawal (sleeping pills). It is easily found throughout Europe. But it should not be consumed during pregnancy or during the breastfeeding phase.

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 15g of valerian in 250 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes), three times a day. In cure of one month on average, to renew if necessary. It is also found in mother tincture and fluid extracts.

The linden

Natural calming and powerful sedative, the lime tree regulates the nervousness and acts on the sleep by favoring it and fighting against the small disorders which are bound to him. It is present everywhere in France, especially in the South, and it is easily grown in the garden.

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 5g of flowers in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes), a cup in the evening at bedtime. In cure of 2 to 3 weeks according to the needs.

The poppy

Calming plant par excellence, the poppy is the friend of sleep and the enemy of insomnia. Used in herbal medicine , it helps to fall asleep more easily , especially if you are tense and stressed. It is the petals of the poppy, dried very quickly in an oven, that we use.

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 10g of petals per liter of water for 10 to 15 minutes), a cup at night 1 hour before bedtime. It can also be found in mother tincture in pharmacy or herbalism.

The serpolet

If the insomnia is of nervous origin, the serpolet can do wonders. This plant also promotes sleep that is difficult to find when suffering from ENT infections such as colds , pharyngitis or bronchitis. The wild thyme flowers are used after drying in the shade.

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 2 teaspoons of wild thyme flowers in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes), three cups a day in cure of 5 to 7 days.

The queen-of-the-meadows

Beyond its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic , antioxidant and antiviral properties, the meadowsweet is a plant that promotes sleep and helps fight against nocturnal awakenings and insomnia . In herbal medicine , it is taken as a preventive treatment for 2 months on average or for 4 to 5 days if it is to treat a present evil.

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 1 tablespoon of dried leaves and flowers in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes), two to three cups a day. We can also take the meadowsweet in decoction, mother tincture, capsules and fluid extracts. Applying fresh leaves directly to a wound allows for faster healing.

The lady's mantle

It is not uncommon to hear about "natural progesterone" when talking about lady's mantle . In addition to helping fight against insomnia due to stress, this plant fights against the rules too abundant , prevents the appearance and helps to reduce fibroids and facilitates delivery, stimulating the woman's ovaries .

How to consume this plant? In infusion (let infuse 4 teaspoons of lady's mantle in a cup of water for 15 minutes), two cups a day. It can also be used in decoction, mother tincture and fluid extracts. In cure of 1 to 2 weeks to sleep better.


This is a real natural sedative. Passiflora relaxes the body and muscles and calms the palpitations of the heart. In herbal medicine , it helps to fall asleep more easily, especially when you are tense. It is also used in the withdrawal of sedatives and sleeping pills . The passionflower is also interesting to find a little libido ... Attention by cons, it is not taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding and it is not associated with barbiturate type drugs, anxiolytics or sedatives.

How to consume this plant? In decoction (put 30 to 50g of fresh or dry passionflower leaves in 1 liter of water, let boil for 1 minute then infuse 10 minutes and filter), one to two cups a day. It is also found in capsules, mother tincture and fluid extracts.

All these plants are easily found in pharmacy or herbalism.

To read: "Take care of plants, natural remedies for all the ills of everyday life", by Dr. Jacques Labescat, published by Ulmer.