With these scientifically recognized anti-blues strategies , it's a bit like offering the right alignment of the emotional planets to a morale up to that adept roller coaster.

  • Keep your spirits up with light therapy

"Light activates brain structures that regulate mood. When greyness prevails, their stimulation is bad. Hence the seasonal downturn , decodes Dr. Claude Gronfier, neurobiologist at Inserm. Light therapy acts exactly like a chemical molecule by activating receptors in the retina that will stimulate these brain structures and restore well-being. " Dosage: 30 min on awakening with a device with a power of 10,000 lux marked CE medical 93/42 / EEC. Philips and Lumie, from € 250 to € 400.

  • Keep your spirits up with tryptophan

This amino acid (present in turkey, duck, meats, eggs, cod, monkfish, dark chocolate, banana and whole grains) can synthesize serotonin, neuromediator that keeps our emotions afloat. "In order for the tryptophan swallowed at breakfast to cross the blood-brain barrier, the filter that surrounds and protects the brain, it is necessary to consume carbohydrates (dried or fresh fruit, chocolate, etc.) around 5 pm, when the synthesis of serotonin, "says psychiatrist Florian Ferreri.

  • Build morale with Omega 3

These polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from oily fish (herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna) and linseed, nut and rapeseed oils are crucial components of neuronal cell membranes. But the fluidity of these membranes would affect the effectiveness of the release of serotonin, and therefore its antidepressant effect. "An Australian study reports 59% fewer symptoms in women whose blood level of DHA, one of the omega 3 , is increased by 1%," says Dr. Florian Ferreri. Translation: fish three times a week and 1/2 tsp. tablespoon of oil per meal.

  • Cheer up with beer yeast

Packed with vitamin B vitamins, anti-spleen vitamins, it also contains tryptophan. "Yeast stimulates while being slightly sedative, which soothes. As a bonus, it calms the sweet impulses specific morale drops, "says Dr. Serge Rafal, specialist in alternative medicine. To consume three times a day, in tablets or flakes to sprinkle. For a booster effect, we associate a dietary supplement that concentrates them all. Liquid B-12 from Solgar, 28,80 €.

  • Cheer up with dark chocolate

Your favorite ganache is psychostimulant because it contains phenylethylamine, a molecule close to amphetamines, as well as theobromine with euphoric virtues, tryptophan and magnesium anti-anxiety and anti-nervousness. Refueling is all the more valuable as the blues squander our stocks by activating a hormone that makes cell walls permeable to magnesium (also in cocoa, sesame, sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts).