On average, a woman loses a hundred hairs a day. This is completely normal. However, when you notice in the morning when you wake up that the pillow is covered with hair, when the shower tray receives a ball of hair or when you can no longer pass the hand in his hair without collecting a handful .. you have to worry.

What is alopecia?

When the hair falls in mass, it is called alopecia. However, there are different degrees of severity for this pathology, as Stéphane Giacobi of the Clinique du Cheveu says, which is reassuring: "In women, alopecia is completely reversible ".

In men, however, since alopecia is often hereditary, it is difficult, if not impossible, to counter it.

A hereditary factor to take into account

"Two out of three women have to deal with hair loss at different points in their lives," explains Stéphane Giacobi. If hereditary alopecia, called androgenetic alopecia are extremely rare, we must know that it is up to us to take care of our capillary capital. "As for the skin, each woman has a different capillary capital, it is up to us to preserve it", notably by using capillary sun protection in summer.

Of course, if in his entourage a woman knows cases of alopecia, it should be more vigilant.

In addition, acute alopecia is very rare in women and it is often possible to improve their hair vitality before reaching this stage of gravity. She often intervenes after 60 years, in people who have never treated their hair.

The main reasons for female alopecia

Female alopecia, transient or chronic, is mainly due to hormonal upheavals (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause ...).

Stéphane Giacobi also explains that hair loss can be seasonal , mainly in the fall. Indeed, during the summer, high temperatures and the sun stimulate hair growth ; in autumn, the hair is less exposed to the sun and vitamins A and B, the shoot is stopped and the hair tends to fall. Nothing very disturbing, except if the hair is already weakened.

Diet and hygiene of life also have an influence on capillary vitality. Those who undertake slimming diets that are sometimes very deficient or who observe a very rapid weight loss are more exposed to alopecia.

Similarly, if one uses shampoos not adapted to his hair type, regularly uses smoothing and straightening, coloring and discoloration, it weakens the hair and promotes their fall.

The most exceptional causes of hair loss

If this cause is more surprising - and probably less frequent - it is worth paying attention to: major climate changes can be the cause of hair loss . Stéphane Giacobi explains: "When you go on a ski holiday and it's very cold - or in the sun and it's very hot, you'll have to watch your hair back to a more temperate climate because a climate transition too abrupt can cause hair loss ".

Finally, some heavy medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, cause alopecia . When the hair falls during the chemo, it is necessary to be followed and treated to accompany the regrowth. Thus, the hair grows in the best conditions and one preserves alopécies diffuse and often difficult to assume for the women.

Shannen Doherty, who has cancer, shared the painful moment when she decided to shave her hair before it all fell.

How to treat alopecia?

First and foremost, Stéphane Giacobi encourages women who have alopecia problems, even mild, to consult. In fact, by treating, one preserves one's capillary capital to preserve a beautiful hair all one's life. In addition, it is faster and more effective to treat an alopecia at 25 than at 50, says the professional.

To treat alopecia, "one must act simultaneously on the hair (the hair fiber), on the scalp and on the bulb (the root of the hair)," explains Stéphane Giacobi. For this, it is advisable to combine the intake of food supplements (for the bulb), a hair lotion or essential oils adapted to treat the scalp and a shampoo adapted to its hair nature of the moment.

The idea: to limit and stem hair loss first. Activate the regrowth then. It takes at least three to six months of treatment, to respect the cycle of capillary renewal and it can go up to 18 to 24 months for more severe or late alopecia.

Lotion and head massage to fight against hair loss

While many use shampoo adapted to their hair type and take fortifying food supplements , many are not used to using a hair lotion.

And yet, the lotion acts on the scalp, which is necessary to stimulate since it is the only area of ​​the body where there is no muscle. Cell renewal is therefore not done naturally, so you have to stimulate circulation. To do this, cranial self massage with a treatment lotion is a gesture to practice regularly. Bonus: it relaxes.