Fatty acids, decoding
A family of lipids, fatty acids are a source of energy for the body, promote the beauty of the skin and are essential for the regeneration of the body's cells. They break down into several categories. One distinguishes, on the one hand, the essential fatty acids, present directly in the organism, and, on the other hand, the essential fatty acids, which come from the food and which include the omega-3 and the omega-3 fatty acids. 6. Also, fatty acids are classified according to their effects on health: we distinguish the so-called "unsaturated", which are good for the body, from those known as "trans saturated" and "unsaturated trans", which affect in particular the risks of cardiovascular illnesses.

Fatty acids in the diet
Some fatty acids are not naturally present in the body, so they must be brought by the diet. Vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower ...), dried fruits, beef and pork, and dairy products are particularly rich in fatty acids needed to meet our vital needs. In case of deficiencies, these can also be provided to the body in the form of food supplements. Finally, the contributions of fatty acids, and especially those of trans type, are very controlled: it is recommended not to exceed 4 grams per day.