Two out of three people (67% of the population) carry Herpex simplex virus, which causes cold sores. In some cases, this microbe remains lodged in the ganglia for several years before appearing in the form of unsightly transient lesions . But in others, it generates repeated "fever" buttons , which are accompanied by itching, tingling or a burning sensation .

Herpes, a highly contagious virus

Despite their innocuous appearance, these pimples should not be taken lightly. They are filled with a liquid - which drains after 48 hours - where many viruses are nestled.

It is therefore necessary to take precautions to avoid transmitting the disease to those around him and also to self-contaminate, spreading the microbe to other parts of his body. The Herpex simplex can indeed go to nest in the eyes and induce a very painful ophthalmic herpes likely to damage the cornea.

It can also reach the intimate area and induce genital herpes . Contrary to popular belief, these two herpes do not always correspond to different viruses. "A cold sore can cause a sexually transmitted disease ," says Dr. Marie Veluire, a gynecologist-obstetrician. Hence the importance of protecting oneself during sexual intercourse .

Strict hygiene rules to avoid contamination

During outbreaks of herpes, it is better to redouble vigilance. You should avoid touching your face - especially not grinding pustules - and wash your hands very regularly with hot water and soap. And do not share your towels and washcloths.

In addition, do not rub your eyes. Dodge hugs too.

As for the oral-genital reports, they are of course also to be proscribed to the extent that the virus also circulates in the saliva.

Cold sore: treatments that relieve

Once the virus contracted, it is impossible to get rid of it. It will remain for life in the body, sometimes dormant, but still potentially active.

On the other hand, the lesions can be treated. Local treatments (concentrated aciclovir) are effective if applied at the first tingling, before the appearance of vesicles.

Antiviral herbal medicines also control flare-ups. "The virucidal effectiveness of cypress is remarkable if it is used in the form of a standardized fresh plant extract, which offers a high concentration of active ingredients", observes Jean-Pierre Théallet, doctor of pharmacy and author of the "Family Guide of plants that heal "(Albin Michel ed.). Swallow 5 ml diluted cypress in half a glass of water morning, noon and night, after the meal for 14 days. And also apply a drop of pure product on the vesicles several times a day.