For weeks now, fans of Coronation Street have been watching the hard-to-swallow storyline of Bethany Platt being groomed by a man she thinks is her loving boyfriend, Nathan Curtis. Now though it’s been revealed that she could finally be waking up to the situation she’s found herself in, with comments made by actor Christopher Harper, who plays the abusive lover.

“Nathan is going to leave Bethany high and dry with a ‘friend’ of his,” he explained. “He is going to wash his hands of her and move on. She’s been a lot of trouble and this is his last chance to cash in on her.

“As ever, Nathan lies to her about his desire to be together and the strength of his love, telling her that they’re eloping to the continent. But he doesn’t do a very thorough job, and takes her compliance for granted.

“Nathan is trying to control Bethany through both flattery and fear,” he continues, “but now the clock is against him too. He thinks he’s clever enough to play this game, but things are starting to get very sticky.

“He thinks if he keeps tightening his grip on Bethany she will comply, but it starts to have the opposite effect. It’s his arrogance that leads her to start to question him – he stops listening to her.”

The actor adds: “Bethany will show a lot of courage and do something very difficult. She is actually very clever. I think it’s the moment everyone has been waiting for.

“Bethany jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire, but the end of Nathan’s evil control is in sight. However, the effects of abuse can last a lifetime, and Coronation Street take this storyline very seriously. Bethany has a long way to go on the road to recovery.”

It sounds as if the villainous Nathan will soon be getting his comeuppance, but with Bethany spending so much time with a man she thought she’d eventually marry, just how devastating will the lasting effects on the young Platt family member be?

Coronation Street continues throughout the week on ITV.