Ecranur, braisière, jambonnière, kanoun, daisy, russian, salamander, turbotière ... These slightly mysterious utensils encumber our (small) kitchens. Purchased on a whim or for a recipe that one does not risk to remake soon, they now take the dust. The proof: according to a study of Deliveroo , 93% of the French affirm that they could release between 1 and 3 cupboards if they disposed of their useless gadgets. In total, a Frenchman has an average of 32 kitchen gadgets. On the budget side, this is equivalent to nearly 616 €! And when we know that we use barely half of these gadgets, so it is nearly 308 € of unnecessary utensils that drag in our drawers and closets!

Do you use all your kitchen utensils?

In the kitchen, there is almost one utensil for each action. Scald the fish, pick the citrus zests, chop the chives, cook the asparagus ... The advantage? These are practical elements that make life easier for us. Disadvantage ? There is a tendency to crowd them, and sometimes never to use them. Besides, who has never found in the bottom of a drawer two absolutely identical economies? . Not convinced ? Separate the utensils you regularly use from others and observe the result ...

The 10 essential utensils in the kitchen

A balance . Of course, you can cook without a balance. A measuring glass is then used and its brain is stirred to calculate (not always successfully) the equivalences. A gymnastics of the brain which it is better to pass when making pastry which is above all a matter of precision.

A saucepan . Cooking without a pan = driving without hands.

A knife that cuts (very) well . A must-have for slicing, chiselling, detailing, raising nets ...

A spoon of wood or maryse . It is used to turn preparations, to prevent them from hanging, and even to check the cooking ... Note: if a maryse effectively replaces a whip while stirring, the opposite is not worth!

A rolling pin. Between the American roll, with a handle on each side, and the French roller, one chose his camp. Today, it is made of wood, stainless steel and even silicone.

A skimmer . To recover our dish without having to empty the water (as is the case with a colander). This large flat spoon full of small holes also makes it possible to remove the foam from short broths. It is to this function that the utensil owes its name.

A ladle . Of course, you can pour a soup directly from the pan to the bowl, but a ladle makes the task much easier. It allows liquids to be served and items to be recovered in deep containers.

A cutting board . If you do not want to score - for life - your work plan, a cutting board is essential!

A grater . She is not equal in the kitchen. It is used to finely grate cheese, chocolate, vegetables, citrus zests or to thinly mince. If one does not necessarily use every day the universal grater difficult to find a convincing substitute when one needs it.

A bursar . Also called vegetable peeler, the burster is a cooking utensil intended to remove the skins of vegetables.