The Book Guild has just published my first novel ‘Anything is Possible.’ The plot came to me in a dream where a gorgeous celebrity appeared to want a relationship with me. I spent the entire time accusing her of an elaborate wind up that she denied. At the point I was finally convinced she was real and when I started to make my move I awoke. Feeling extremely frustrated, I made several attempts to fall back to sleep without success. Over the coming days I began to consider how the dream would end and how the situation arose. I found myself compelled to write about it and ‘Anything is Possible’ is the end result.

I do not necessary fit the profile of an author.  I don’t read as much as I should.  I prefer to watch movies. So if you think you have a novel in you but  are unsure whether or not to try, I say go for it.  If you put the effort in and feel passionate about writing undertake the challenge. After all, Anything is Possible!