Behind the scenes
Lips soft, smooth, hemmed ... Tempting! Especially as with age they tend to refine.
And if the sun and tobacco have been abused, it is the cat. So, once a week, they are given a homemade exfoliation.

- Baking soda
Once every 15 days, a mixture of sodium bicarbonate known for its descaling properties and lemon juice is prepared. When the dough is ready, put it on the toothbrush in the manner of a toothpaste and brush! Shine and bleaching guaranteed.

Green clay
Mix a little green clay with purifying properties with water. Plunge the toothbrush into the paste and wash your teeth normally.
In addition to whitening them, the power of green clay will refresh your breath!

- Sea salt
With its high concentration of iodine, the antiseptic properties of salt will whiten your teeth naturally. Soak the toothbrush in this marine water and brush vigorously. Ultra-white smile assured.

A good mouthwash
We forget the recipe of grandmother distilled hydrogen peroxide (risky!) And we invest instead in a mouthwash
It must be based on zinc oxide, effective to eliminate the tartar that tarnishes our teeth.
The prescription of dentists: a plug after each brushing.
And as, at noon, to take out the arsenal "dazzling teeth" is not allowed to all, one rather chews a tablet of whitening toothpaste.
Then we brush our teeth with the tongue about twenty seconds.
No need to rinse.

A home-made recipe for pretty white teeth
A large nut of lip balm (Homoeoplasmin, Lip Balm in The Body Shop, Dermophil ...) is mixed with 1 tbsp. to c. sugar.
One rubs with the pulp of the index finger, one removes with a handkerchief, then one puts a thick layer of balm as a mask of night.
Upon awakening, embellishment announced on your smile.